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How Do I Make A Budget And Stick To It?

Budgeting finances isn't as complex as Differential Calculus or as abstract as Symbolic Logic. Budgeting finances is equal to Common Sense. Below are five simple keys to financial control: 1. CUT THE CREDIT CARDS It is best if you don't use credit cards, or even own one. If you think you're responsible enough to use it in emergency situation, then leave one for those times. The Australian National Audit Office has identified the advantages of activity based budgeting: The Advantages - Output costs are supported by a schedule of costed activities - Opportunities to examine work processes - Identifies non value-adding activities that can be eliminated - Basis of a performance measurement system and direct link between strategic goals and operational realities - Enables cost profiles to be managed - Accurate costing data for operational management - Costs are transparent, understandable and actionable Disadvantages - Activity definition may become too detailed and the model may become too complex and difficult to maintain - Underestimation of the task of collecting activity driver data - Implementation may be considered a financial management fad and there is insufficient commitment from operational managers Activity Based Budgeting Disadvantages - Usually requires buying Activity Based Budgeting software - Requires training of all managers including budgeting department - Requires people to really understand what drives their budget - Eliminates excuse that activity volume changed because it makes visible volume changes - Requires everyone to collect or estimate activity volume By understanding how resources are transformed into products or services, and byfocusing on the cost of activities, activity based budgeting helps an organisation to obtain a greaterunderstanding of how costs behave in their organization and which activities create significant amounts of cost. Thus, budgeting and forecasting always go hand in hand. Since the lifeblood of any business is its ability to collect cash and pay bills including the pay checks of its employees, it is important to prepare a forecast of its cash requirements whether for a new or ongoing business. All businesses need to have an idea of future income and costs. Budgeting also permits you to identify those factors that are key to the success of the organization. These factors can be closely monitored throughout the year and adjustments can be made for critical elements. A budget can help you. Business budgeting helps focus your thoughts and actions in the direction in which you are headed. Apportion the twenty-five percent of your wedding budget to dress. Dress tells whether or not you have taste. PHOTOGRAPHY Yes. It's not wedding invitation, it's not entertainment, it's not souvenirs. Twenty-five percent of your wedding budget must go to photography. After the sumptuous meals had been munched down, after the drinks had been gulped down, and after the dress had been worn and laundered, the only thing that will make the couple and the guests happy after all the partying have died down are the photos. Making your very own filing system for receipts, bank statements, loan details among other things can help you in budgeting money. Always plan for the worst they might come any time, any place. Budgeting money also means saving some money aside for an emergency expense. If a member of the family might get sick or the money you expected to receive is delayed, you will have an emergency fall back plan. 

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