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How I Budget my Paychecks 💸 paycheck breakdown, bi-weekly budget with me & more

Budgeting finances is the key to have that financial control we have all been dreaming of. Budgeting finances isn't as complex as Differential Calculus or as abstract as Symbolic Logic. Budgeting finances is equal to Common Sense. Below are five simple keys to financial control: 1. CUT THE CREDIT CARDS It is best if you don't use credit cards, or even own one. Do not forget to include the coffee you stop for every morning before getting to work, or that soda you have in the afternoon after getting off from the office. If you can keep track of every cent and every dollar you spend, you will be well on your way to keep track of your larger bills at home. After at least several days, begin your home budgeting in a more detailed way. If you want to go down the pool of debt then own ten. Keeping ourselves away from temptation is the first step towards debt management budgeting. 2. KEEP TAB OF INCOME AND EXPENSES Write down in your budget pad or software every debt you have, even the small ones. Number them according to importance. When automated, activity based budgeting can rapidly and accurately produce financial plans and models based on varying levels of volume assumptions. Activity based budgeting also can eliminate much of the tedious work in traditional budgeting. Activity based budgeting analyzes the products or services to be produced, what activities are required to produce those products or services, and what resources need to be budgeted to perform those activities. You have to make us of candles, instead of buying high-powered batteries for lamps, to have light in your house, but you must be careful not to burn your house down. The light isn t much but it is enough for you to see your surroundings. You get to be satisfied with the dim light it produces. To get to the point, you learn to be satisfied with little things. You can clip out grocery coupons or check the mailers if any of the regular items you want to buy are on sale. You should always pay yourself first before spending money on anything. This means that you should always create a part of your household budget into savings. Every pay check, take 5 to 10% of your household income into your savings account and do not touch it. 

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